The way out of suffering
God the Lord says:
"I have no pleasure in the death
of the wicked; but that the wicked
turn from his way and live."
(The Bible: Ezekiel chapter 33, Verse 11)
God deeply regrets all the suffering that people who ignore his will inflict on one another. But because God loves us humans and does not want us to suffer endlessly from the self-inflicted misery on this earth, he has prepared a way out to rescue us from the misery of this fallen world and the fate of death. Because even before the creation of the world, God made a plan how he would free humanity from the po-wer of Satan and restore peace between us and our Creator. The pivotal point of this plan of salvation is Jesus Christ, whom God has appointed as the Savior of all people (see: The way to redemption).
Victory over Satan
"But you know that he appeared
so that he might take away our sins.
And in him is no sin."
(The Bible: 1st John chapter 3, verse 5)
Jesus, the Son of God, was also tempted by Satan in every possible way. Yet Jesus suc-cessfully resisted the devil and his efforts to divide him from God his Father. In this way, Jesus defeated the devil and des-troyed his illegitimate claims to power once and for all. At the same time, Jesus sealed the downfall of Satan and con-firmed that God is the true and rightful ruler of His creation.
But Jesus' victory means much more. On the one hand, Jesus showed through his life that every person who is connected to God can resist the devil and his tempta-tions. On the other hand, Jesus atoned for the sins of all people through his sinless life and death on the cross, thereby clea-ring the way for us to God and eternal life. This means that Jesus will resurrect to immortal life all who are willing to be reconciled to God when he returns.
Finally, Jesus will banish Satan and all evil from the world for all time. Then God will transform this shattered planet into a new paradise where all who have accep-ted God's salvation can live forever in peace and security. In doing so, God gives us hope for a future without suffering and without pain, in which everyone who wants can participate. The way to this life is Jesus (See: Who is Jesus Christ?).
The end of all suffering
"The Lord is good, a strong hold
in the day of trouble; and He
knows them that trust in Him."
(The bible: Nahum chapter 1, Verse 7)
Although we are not entirely spared suffe-ring and tribulation in this fallen world, everyone who trusts God can experience his protection and assistance. And even when people die through no fault of their own, God gives us comfort and confidence through the hope of resurrection from the dead. The expectation of eternal life in the coming world time in turn gives strength to endure the temporary suffe-ring and injustice that we encounter in this world. Because in the end, good will win (see: Timeline of Salvation History).
God allows some suffering so that we hu-mans can seek Him and understand where our existence without God and the igno-rance of His commandments leads. On the other hand, God wants to make visible the full extent of the evil that the devil and everyone who has followed his path has brought to this world. From this everyone should recognize that God is just and good and Satan is a liar. Finally the devil and his angels will meet their God-or-dained end. Every time an unbelieving per-son turns to God, it means a bitter defeat for the devil. Since Satan knows full well that his time is running out and that the verdict on him has already been deter-mined, he is now trying with all his might to drag as many people as possible into the abyss with him in the time he has left. On the other hand, God tirelessly calls us hu-mans to repentance so that we can be saved. Each person seals his eternal fate through his personal decision.
Back to God!
God the Lord says:
"Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man
his thoughts; Let him return to the Lord,
And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon."
(The bible: Isaiah chapter 551, Verses 6-7)
God is longingly waiting for us humans to turn back to our Creator and realize that we need God and that we only have a fu-ture with God. Ultimately, everything that happens to us in this world - both the good and the bad - is intended to guide us to God and thus save us from the ultimate doom that a life without God inevitably leads to.
Instead of blaming God for the suffering in the world, we must understand that God is the solution to all our problems. At the same time, we must acknowledge that fal-len humanity is unable to free itself from its predicament with its own strength without God's help. Only when we are willing to submit to the will of God will there be peace and prosperity for all peo-ple; and only then will war, poverty and all injustice come to an end.
There is hope for everyone who is willing to repent and be reconciled with God. For everyone else, all hope is in vain.... (See: Life in Freedom and peace).
The Choice is ours.
The Lord God speaks:
"Turn yourselves, and live ye."
(The Bible: Ezekiel chapter 33, Verse 11)