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God and Science


"In the beginning God created

the Heavens and the Earth."


(The Bible: genesis chapter 1, Verse 1)    


From the complexity of a cell, to all the diverse living beings and impressive natural events on our planet, to the fascinating and simply stunning phenomena in this seemingly limitless universe: Who could not be amazed by the countless wonders that surround us?

At the same time this inevitably leads us to the question of how everything came into being, where we humans come from and what the meaning of our existence on this earth is?

The Bible testifies that God is the Creator of all things and the source of all life. Every-thing God has created - from the smallest plant to the largest star systems in the uni-verse - should be an indication of God's presence and His immeasurable greatness and glory.

​​​​​​​Atheistic science, which began in the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin, whose doctrine is still believed by many people today, reduces the miracle of life to a product of chance and thus robs it of the deeper meaning that God has given it. In addition, this theory completely obstructs people's view of the love and creative power of God, which is recog-nizable, among other things, in the beauty and gracefulness of his creation.

According to this doctrine, the existence of man remains without meaning and goal. If you keep in mind the fact that every human being has to die sometime, our life is nothing more than a breath in the wind. Just as man came out of nothing, so he returns to insignificance. Also, all of man's toil on earth, his possessions, his joys and all his memories are void and pe-rishable....


"Man is like a breath; His days

are like a passing shadow."


(The Bible: Psalm 144, Verse 4)     



There are some people in today's society who refer to themselves as "atheists". Although they receive the good that God gives them in life, they do not want anything else to do with him. Most atheists reject God or completely deny his existence. For them, God is just an outdated construct of humans to explain the inex-plicable.

Many atheists believe that they don't need God. Instead, they often place their trust in material things such as their possessions (without considering that these are also gifts from God), in modern technology, on guaran-tees that the state promises them or in their own strength and wisdom.

Particularly in times of crisis, diseases and disasters people realizes how restricted they are and how little security and reliability human systems offer in case of doubt. At the same time, this fact confirms our need for God and the dependence of each individual on him.

Above all, without God, man remains on his own all his life and his longing for identity and a lasting perspective on life are completely unfulfilled. Because without the natural rela-tionship to God, his Creator, man lives past his real destiny.... (See: The way to redemption)


"The precepts of the Lord are right,
   giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving

light to the eyes."


(The Bible: Psalm 19, Verse 8)    


God created man to enjoy life on this earth not just for a limited time but forever and ever. The basic precondition for this was that man remains connected to God, his Creator, without whom we would not exist. All com-mands and ordinances, that God gave to man should enable people to live in peace, freedom and security. War, sickness and death only came into the world after man had left the community with his Creator and had rejected God's commandments (See: God and suffering).

According to Darwin's theory, however, suffering and death are inseparable from life. Associated with this is a bloodthirsty and ruthless competition between organisms, in which the stronger or “better” prevails. This basic idea characterizes coexistence of hu-mans in our society to this day. Accordingly, the actions of people are largely determined by self-interest and Hard-heartedness towards their fellow human beings.

Because men lives without God his existence on earth now resembles a constant struggle for survival, characterized by hardship as well as increasing exploitation and surveillance. in the economy, which lives from the competition (often at the expense of people and the envi-ronment), this is particularly evident.

In addition, there is the fact that under certain circumstances - such as in the case of war, personal distress or a change of political power - people tend to reject previously recognized legal norms and standards of values. When prosperity, material security or the external order of a society cease to exist, the true, fallen nature of man is mostly revealed, which is capable of cruel acts of all kinds, unless there is a higher moral authority to prevent him from doing so.

At the same time, however, the question arises of what use ethics and morals have at all if there is no one to whom man is accountable for his life and actions? If God does not exist and consequently there is no absolute ethical standard for good and bad, even the value of life itself can be called into question. So it is not surprising that based on the doctrine of Darwinism, Adolf Hitler or the former apart-heid regime in South Africa, among others, founded their inhuman racial ideology, which cost millions of people their lives and which still shapes the thinking of many today.

"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead,

so that they are without excuse."


(The Bible: Romans chapter 1, Verse 20)     


Even if God is not visually perceptible to us humans, his existence and presence is all the more recognizable in what God created.

On the other hand the theory of evolution - according to which primitive organisms, which are said to have arisen out of nowhere by chance as a result of a so-called Big Bang, through natural selection (Darwinism) or of their own accord (Lamackism) over millions of years into complex living beings, is based on the latest findings modern research, particu-larly in the fields of paleontology, astro-physics and genetics, has been increasingly refuted. At the same time, the millennia-old accounts of the Bible with regard to the origin of life find ever more confirmation (See: Creation vs. Evolution).

Some atheists go so far as to try to refute the existence of God through "scientific argu-ments". However, the numerous efforts of atheistic science to explain the beginnings and complexities of life through human theories fail in many ways due to insufficient evidence.

The theory of evolution is therefore not the result of scientifically founded knowledge of nature, as most people in the world believe, but merely the only remaining and, moreover, pure-ly theoretical alternative explanation for the origin of life, if one assumes the existence of a higher power from the outset excludes.

"You alone are the Lord; You have made heaven, The heaven of heavens, with all their host, The earth and everything

on it, The seas and all that is in them,

And You preserve them all. The host

of heaven worships You. "

(The Bible: Nehemiah chapter 9, Verse 6)    



Even if the nature and function of many things can be explained through research, the question of the origin and the meaning of life remains only inadequately answered - if one leaves God as the Creator outside - and the models of the scientist's nothing more than questionable assumptions and wishful thoughts from people. On the other hand, the size, beauty and complexity of the universe and nature alone indicate an intelligent creator and a plan that has been thought through down to the last detail (See: Videos & Links).

Even the most famous scientists of the past centuries, whose discoveries have had a major impact on technical development and life on our planet, have openly and clearly professed their belief in a brilliant and supernatural creator (See: Scientists about God).


Although some people think that science and belief in God are two irreconcilable opposites, the truth is that there is not the slightest contradiction between the two. Equally wrong is the assumption, which is still widespread today, that true science must be fundamentally atheistic.

The only and at the same time crucial difference between theistic and atheistic science is their explanation as to what the origin and meaning of life is. While atheistic science asserts that the universe and our lives are a product of chance and evolution, theistic science holds that everything that exists was brought into being consciously and planned by an intelligent Creator and that we humans are loved and wanted by this Creator. This basic assumption implies that our life has a specific purpose and that only when we understand this purpose and live according to what God created us can we humans find true happiness (See: Living in freedom and peace).

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts,

except that no one can find out the work

that God does from beginning to end."


(The Bible: Ecclesiastes chapter 3, Verse 11)    )


God can neither be understood by the human mind nor refuted by scientific arguments. The task of science should be to search for the truth. This requires unbiased and open-ended research. Rather than positing a particular agenda that categorically excludes a Creator as the cause of life, it should consider every possible explanation for the origin of life - including the one pointed to by all phenomena in the universe and in nature; namely God. The complexity of life shows us how powerful and admirable the Creator of all things must be and how deserving of our worship. The more science discovers about creation, the more it highlights the greatness and magnificence of this brilliant designer. Despite man's destruc-tion of our planet, God has left us more than enough clues so that we can recognize HIM behind all the wonderful works of this earth (including ourselves), if we want and allow it

(See: Who is God?).

All that is needed is an open heart and a different view of our unique world. If we get involved with it, a completely new view of this God and his fascinating creation opens up to us. At the same time, we can experience God very real in our lives in this way, so that every doubt vanishes by itself. Then we can confess with amazement and gratitude in the words of David, King of Israel:


"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your

works, and that my soul knows very well."


(The Bible: Psalm 139, Verse 14)   

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