Do all people go to heaven?
The Bible testifies from the first to the last book that eternal life is a gift from God, which will only be received by those who live godly, that is, who love God and respect his commandments. To do this, man must recognize that he is guilty and lost in his sinful state, which separates him from God.
Representatives of the "all-reconciliation doctrine" - another serious false teaching of Christianity - claim that in the end all people will be saved, even those who neither believe in Jesus nor have shown remorse for their sins throughout their lives. However, God's love is not in contradiction to His justice. Since God is holy, he cannot tolerate sin. Sin separates us humans from God and prevents us from having fellowship with our heavenly Father. In order to be able to have fellowship with God again, a person must be willing to be reconciled with God. This happens through faith in Jesus and resolute repentance of our sins. Only in this way can the separation between us and our Creator be overcome and peace with God restored. Once this step has been taken, God can renew our thinking and cleanse our hearts of all wickedness.
The current life is the time in which every person is asked to make their decision. There is no second chance for us humans after death - as the Bible clearly shows. Although God's promise of eternal life applies to all people, Jesus makes it clear that it is a narrow path that leads to life and that only a relatively small part of humanity reaches the goal. The reason for this is not God, but the fact that very few people are willing to accept God's commandments and change their lives. Even though God doesn't want people to perish, he gives everyone the free choice to decide for or against him; but with all the consequences associated with our decision.
As long as a person lives, there is hope for him. But without salvation man lives in vain...